INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','N','N','N','N');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','N','N','N','N');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','','','','');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y');
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE area='Vancouver' and transityes='y' and schoolsyes='y' and ( ((type='1 Bedroom' or type='Studio/Bach') and (price<=500)) or ((type='2 Bedroom') and (price<=550)) or ((type='Shared/Roomate') and (price<=300)) or ((type='Room and Board') and (price<=500)) ) and price <= 400;
drop table t1;
# problem med primary key
CREATE TABLE t1 (program enum('signup','unique','sliding') not null, type enum('basic','sliding','signup'), sites set('mt'), PRIMARY KEY (program));
# The following should give an error for wrong primary key
!$1171 ALTER TABLE t1 modify program enum('signup','unique','sliding');